Standards of service and conduct
This document sets out the standards of service and behaviour expected of staff and members.
Five parts
The ‘Standards of Service and Conduct’ consist of five parts as set out below.
Core standards of service and conduct
Staff and members are expected to abide by the BDA’s Core Standards of Service and Conduct. These reflect the Nolan principles of public service, and professional standards in regard to working and professional relationships.
Dignity at work policy
The Dignity at Work policy addresses issues concerned with unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. The workplace for these purposes is not confined to the environment occupied by staff, but includes BDA members in any capacity in which they engage with the BDA professionally or in an elected position within the Association.
Conflicts of interest policy
Staff, and members who are committee members or officers, must put the interests of the BDA first. This means they should declare any existing or potential conflict between their outside interests and their duties to the BDA, and agree with their colleagues how the situation should be managed.
Political neutrality guidelines
The BDA asserts no party political allegiance. This policy provides guidance for members and staff on reconciling private political views and activity with their responsibilities to the BDA.
Reporting and disciplinary procedures
Staff and members must have the means to report any potential breaches of these standards of service and conduct; the expectation that reports will be investigated independently and in a fair manner; and for appropriate disciplinary sanctions to be applied when this is merited.