All members can access our extensive range of online advice written by the industry's experts. Extra and Expert members have access to unlimited one-to-one advice via phone or email.
Are you an associate member practising NHS dentistry in England? Our latest advice, exclusively for BDA members, can help you confidently renegotiate your payments for NHS work. Understand how the annual pay uplift works, why it doesn't directly benefit associates, and how to build a strong case for better pay.
As a complement to our wide range of detailed written advice, we have produced a series of short videos where our experts share their insight on the business matters you ask us about most frequently - from partnerships and complaints handling to financial management and long-term leave.
Understanding the financial details of England's NHS dental contract can be challenging, even for experienced professionals. Our exclusive UDA value checking tool helps members compare their practice to local and national averages, supporting confident and informed choices.
If you have recruitment and selection pressures, or grievances or disciplinaries looming, we’ll take over. Our HR, practice management and business consultants will listen to your dilemma and design a plan to deal with the issues. Save yourself time and money.