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Exclusively for BDA members

Check out our bite-size advice videos

As a complement to our wide range of detailed written advice, we have produced a series of short videos where our experts share their insight on the business matters you ask us about most frequently - from partnerships and complaints handling to financial management and long-term leave.
Preview of our expert advice video on mediation


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bespoke help when you need it

Personalised advice

Our team of experienced advisors can help save you time and money with personalised advice on the issues you face. 
A dentist in purple scrubs leans on the chair wearing loupes looking at the camera
For Expert members

HR consultancy services

If you have recruitment and selection pressures, or grievances or disciplinaries looming, we’ll take over. Our HR, practice management and business consultants will listen to your dilemma and design a plan to deal with the issues. Save yourself time and money.
Jacinta McKiernan sitting in a leather armchair looking at the camera