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Highlighting the challenges facing dentistry

Last week, the Scottish Parliament's COVID-19 Recovery Committee invited witnesses representing dentistry, general medical practice and social care to provide evidence on the effect of the pandemic on their respective sectors, and the main challenges they faced going forward.

GDP Donald Morrison from BDA Scotland gave evidence on behalf of the dental profession and used the results from our recent survey of dentists to outline some of the challenges facing dentists and patients in Scotland.

He provided details of the colossal backlog of unmet dental care need, highlighted the increasing pressures facing dental teams, and explained that NHS dental services in Scotland were "broken" and required major long-term reform to ensure the viability of NHS dentistry in Scotland.

He also highlighted recent figures which show that 80% of practitioners have said they will reduce their NHS commitment, with 30% of those saying they will be seeking early retirement.

Watch Donald Morrison speaking on your behalf:

GDP Donald Morrison from BDA Scotland giving evidence on behalf of the dental profession
GDP Donald Morrison from BDA Scotland giving evidence on behalf of the dental profession