The Scottish Government has published PCA(D)(2024)2 which advises of the arrangements for Quality Improvement Activity for the 2022-25 cycle and Amendment No. 164 to the SDR.
Since Payment Reform was introduced on 1 November 2023, we have continued to engage with the Scottish Government and have provided feedback on the changes, including concerns in relation to the fees which could be claimed by enhanced domiciliary care dentists.
From 1 May 2024 Item 8- Domiciliary Visit and Recalled Attendance can now be claimed by enhanced domiciliary care dentists.
Amendment No. 164 to the SDR – Enhanced Domiciliary Care Fees
Amendment No. 164 will take effect from 1 May 2024 and will make Item 8- Domiciliary Visit and Recalled Attendance claimable by enhanced domiciliary care dentists.
QI Activity – 2022-25 cycle
The Quality Improvement Activity – 2022-25 Cycle has been confirmed as including 3 areas. These are:
- A team-based reflective report
- An equality and diversity online training module
- A practice-level workforce census.
We fought for a wholesale break from the high margin/low volume SDR system. We’ve secured improvements but are keeping vigilant for any emerging problems. Our Scotland payment reform information hub has more information on the recent changes.