We have endorsed DBOH as a thorough and evidence-based guide to prevention and a valuable teaching aid for dentistry and other health and care disciplines. However, we have raised some key concerns about the feasibility of implementing the advice.
Whilst our committees felt that DBOH provides a very comprehensive reference resource, there is significant concern that the existing NHS dental contract arrangements, and the additional pressures due to the pandemic, may present overwhelming barriers to its delivery in practice. We hope that implementation of the full document will be seen as guidance, rather than an expectation.
Committee members felt that, as the document is so comprehensive, practitioners will benefit from focusing on the summary tables in Chapter 2, which provide a valuable and concise guide for each patient group, that will be useful in practice. Under the current circumstances, we would urge PHE and other stakeholders to view the rest of the document as supporting material to give additional detail and advice where needed.
We will continue to raise the issues being faced by practices during these challenging times and seek feedback on how this might limit the implementation of DBOH.