A business name helps to identify your business. It allows people to separate you from other practices and patients to promote you in discussions about their treatment.
A name can have good and bad connotations – a few words can say a lot and help you be recognised. A suitable business name is important to every business.
Choosing and protecting your business name and trademark is important. You should also know where you stand if another practice decides to use your business name, or one that is very similar, especially if it confuses your patients.
Key learning points
This advice summarises the importance of a business name and the steps that you can take to protect your name. It explains:
- The value of a distinct and unique business name
- Protecting it against use by others
- Checking with Companies House for names that are already in use
- The value of trademarks and what can and can’t be used
- The process of registering a trademark with the Intellectual Property Office.