What to expect
Join us for an evening lecture with speaker Shafia Sabir on sedation in general dental practice.
The lecture will focus on:
- Understand CQC requirements for IV sedation in general practice
- Describe what extra equipment is required when performing IV sedation including monitoring equipment and medical emergency equipment
- Discuss the basic concepts of cannulation
- Determine when a patient is adequately sedated.
18:15 Registration
19:00 Lecture and Q&A - Shafia Sabir
20:30 Dinner and networking opportunities
Learning objectives
- Recognise what constitutes an adequate referral for IV sedation
- Explaining the pharmacology of single drug IV midazolam and how patient factors can affect this
- Understand which patients are suitable for IV sedation in general practice
- Recognise how the use of a mobile sedationist can improve a patient's treatment journey and keep referrals in house
- Gain an understanding in how patients are triaged once they have been referred.
Development outcomes
A and C