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Compulsory vaccination for new staff

No decision has been made on compulsory vaccination of dental staff in Northern Ireland. However, last week Health Minister Swann announced plans for a public consultation on a mandatory COVID-19 and flu vaccination for new staff, both new recruits and people moving posts.

Minister Swann has said that introducing such a measure would be a significant development that should only be undertaken after careful consideration: "[It] could be counter-productive – potentially destabilising an already fragile workforce." However, he also noted his "great sympathy for those who only want their loved ones to be cared for by fully vaccinated staff."

All options currently remain under consideration. The Minister has said he "will closely monitor the situation in England – including the impact of mandatory vaccination on staffing in its social care sector."

We'd like to hear your views. Please email us at [email protected] to tell us what you think about this important issue.