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Our advisors

  • Are your experts in the industry’s laws, contracts and regulations

  • Help you save time and money with relevant and commercially sound advice

  • Are your first port of call for professional solutions.

One-to-one advice

Extra and Expert members have access to unlimited one-to-one advice via phone or email. In complex cases, we will pair you with an dedicated advisor who will set aside time to work through any documentation and will arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss the next steps.

Phone: 020 7935 0875
Email: [email protected]

We may record telephone conversations that are advisory in nature to offer you additional security, resolve complaints and improve our service standards. Conversations may also be monitored for staff training purposes. You will be alerted to this when you call.

Salaried dentists

Members working under hospital terms and conditions can contact the BMA for employment relations support.

Members employed on national terms and conditions within the salaried / community dental service, in dental schools, in the armed forces or a variety of other employed roles within the NHS can contact our Employment Relations team.

Meet the teams

for expert members

HR consultancy services

If you have recruitment and selection pressures, or grievances or disciplinaries looming, we’ll take over. Our HR, practice management and business consultants will listen to your dilemma and design a plan to deal with the issues. Save yourself time and money. Delegate your HR to us.
Jacinta Mckiernan