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Being a member is an opportunity to take action to make sure that policy makers and the Government hear your voice. We work on behalf of members to influence decision makers at the highest level.

General election 2024

NHS dentistry is a priority

Dentistry was a headline issue in the 2024 General Election. As a local concern, voters placed dentistry above traditional doorstep issues like schools, and even crime. Our message goes to all parties: We need more than tweaks if NHS dentistry is going to survive. Read our priorities for the new parliament.
Fit for the Future

Delivering dentistry post-COVID

Dentists are battling with an historic backlog, treating many patients who have missed out on routine care. Tell us what you’re seeing at the chairside.
X Ray

Looking for other ways to get involved?

The BDA is run by dentists for dentists. From the start of your journey as a student, there are lots of opportunities to get involved. We represent all fields of dentistry and are here for every stage of your career.